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Here are a few helpful tips for those new to Hexagon.
If you want a more detailed explanation or help see the main Help page.

Remember Hexagon has been designed to be easy to use
hexagon intro   1) It runs in a normal web page so if you have a modern Web browser with the Adobe Flash 9 or greater plug-in installed you can use Hexagon.
2) If you have a properly installed web cam and microphone you will be able to communicate with friends and colleagues anywhere in the world (a broadband or better connection is recommended for voice communication).

Login Screen
login screen   1) Click the 'Login' button if you are a registered user, or 'Guest' if you are not.
2) Guest users simply type in a 'screen name' and click the Enter button. Note that guests have reduced features and some rooms don't allow guests at all.
3) Registered users must type in a 'screen name', their 'user name' and their password. Then click the Enter button. You can choose to save some of your details to make it easier to login next time.
4) Both screens have a 'Register' button. Click this to apply to register for the room, or change your details if already registered.

Changing between 'Screens'
menu bar   1) Click on a 'tab' button at the top of the window to change to a new screen.

The Main 'Hexes' Screen
hexes screen   1) Your 'Hex' will appear in the middle of the screen surrounded by others. Everyone sees the same images but the positions are unique to each machine.
2) Click on a Hex while holding down the 'Cmd/Ctrl' key to move it.
3) If you wish to move the whole screen either use the buttons on the 'floating pallet', or drag the small square with a red border around the mini screen.

The Floating Pallet
floating pallet   1) The floating pallet contains navigation and status controls.
2) The row of hexagonal buttons moves the display. From left to right they: zoom in, zoom out, move up, move down, move right, move left and reset display. You can also drag the small red box to move the display.
3) The 'Screened' button puts a temporary 'screen' over your Hex, 'hiding' your image from everyone until you click the button again.
4) The 'Status' button allows you to set a 'state' that everyone will see appear underneath your image.

Hex Pop-up Menu
popup menu  

1) Click on a Hex to make its pop-up menu appear.
2) The yellow section displays the name, sound activity and 'state' of the person. You can also drag the menu around using this area.
3) A list of buttons appears below (the top button changes depending on whether you click your own or another's Hex):
Local or Remote view: Swap between displaying your camera's local images or the still image everyone else is seeing.
Voice Chat: Speak to the owner of the Hex.
Move Hex: Drag the Hex to a new position.
Text Chat: Target a text message to the owner of the Hex.
Zoom Hex: Centre on and zoom in or out of the Hex.
Pause/Un-pause: Halt the image update for the Hex.
Details: Display more details about the owner.
Close Menu: Close the pop-up menu.

The 'Text Chat' Screen
text chat   1) Choose the person to whom you wish to send your message by either; clicking on their name in the list to the right of the screen to create a 'tab'; or by selecting their 'tab' if they already have one.
2) Select a 'tab' and the person's name will appear next to the 'Send' button confirming your choice. If available their image will appear in the small hexagon shape at the bottom left of the window.
3) Type your message into the input box at the base of the screen and click the 'Send' button to send it.
4) If you receive a message when you do not have the text chat screen open, the 'Text Chat' button on the menu bar flashes. Click it to open the text chat window.
5) To delete a 'tab' simply click the small 'X' on the top right of the tab.
6) If you click the 'Load previous' button when you have a tab belonging to a 'Registered User' selected, the last text messages sent between you will be loaded.

Voice Chat
voice chat   1) Click a Hex to see its pop-up menu and click on the 'Voice Chat' button to start a private conversation with that person. 'Guest' users cannot 'open' a conversation (except in the 'demo' room).
2) The Voice Chat window will appear on both your own and the other person's copy of Hexagon. Either click the 'Cancel' button or wait for the other person to click on their 'Accept' or 'Decline' button.
3) To start broadcasting, either click the 'Speak' button; your Voice Chat Hex; or tap the 'Page Down' key. The broadcaster's Hex has a green border.
4) To stop broadcasting, either click the 'Stop' button; your Voice Chat Hex; or tap the 'Page Down' key.
5) The volume indicator should be showing green 'bars' as you speak when broadcasting, if not click the button beneath it to open the microphone settings panel.
6) Click the small button at the top right to close the Voice Chat.

Reg Users Screen
hex mail   1) This screen is only accessible to registered users.
2) It contains a list of registered users for the room and the last time they visited it. Refresh the list to see the latest times.
3) Click a person's name in the list to see their last thumbnail image and target them for HexMail.
4) HexMail can be sent to a person who is currently not in the room. They will receive it when they next enter the room.
5) You can also see a graph of the room usage. Click the buttons to view either 1 or 7 days at a time.
6) If you click the 'T' button when you have a person selected in the list, the last text messages sent between you will be loaded.

The Preferences Screen
preferences screen   1) This screen contains a set of preferences and options.
2) If you change a preference it will be 'remembered' the next time you use Hexagon.

The 'Log Off' Tab
log off button   1) Click this tab to 'Log Off' your present Hexagon session. This removes you from the room and takes you back to the start. Where either you or another user can rejoin.